Donation to BBMVF

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  • Regular price $1.00

Make a monetary donation to the Bob Brinker Memorial Veterans Foundation.

All money raised is used to help and honor our U.S. veterans, active military and first responders.

Examples of what we have done with the money raised:

**Purchase and distribute necessary items for homeless veterans at the VA and at the annual Detroit Stand Down

**Provide "Thank You" and "Welcome Home" gifts to our Vietnam veterans in honor of Vietnam veterans day.

**Provide meals to veterans at VFW BBQs, steak-outs, Veterans' Day ceremonies and other local veterans events.

**Send care packages to our troops serving overseas.

**Provide "Welcome Home" packets to military returning after deployment.

**Provide Christmas gifts to the children of deployed military.

**Purchase and deliver meals to local first responders on September 11th.

**Purchase life-saving Buddy Bags for working K-9s.

**Assist veterans with bills and other needs to give them a hand-up & help get them back on their feet.

**Assist other veterans organizations with missions that we know Bob would support.